Monday, March 30, 2009

Saudi Flag

Saudi Arabia Flag has a rectangular shape. It is a green flag. The green color means the outgrowth and munificence. And it has words in the center. This words mean there is one God and Mohammad is the messenger of Allah. Also, Saudi Flag has logo. It contains of saber. And it means of the strenghth. Saudi Flag doesn't strike during the mourning as what other countries do because it has a name of God.It is kind of respect and reverence of our God.

Monday, March 2, 2009

CESL Events

I started study in CESL in Janeuary, 2008. Until now, I enjoy to study there. Also, I remember many amazing events that happened to me such as, improve my English, meet lots of international and Americans friends, and get good experiences. But I still memories the bad thing that I was suffering with it for at least five months. I was studying in the same level for three times because of low TOEFL score. I know that is important to pass CESL levels. But still hard to stay get same skills. During this months I felt down and I couldn’t enjoyed in my classes. After that I could pass and refresh my powerful to study. And can learn from this bad experience.